"Weihrauchgeschwängerte Köffer"
Theatrical adaptation and staging for the Italian-speaking theater "I Beccafichi" from "The Journey of G. Mastorna" by Federico Fellini.
"Tales of an ordinary accident"
Theatrical adaptation and staging for the theatrical group "I Beccafichi" from "La casa tra due palme" by the novelist Dacia Maraini.
"Downbyleo" is one of three pieces for the tour of the graduating class of Comart Zurich School of Theater, mime and dance for her 20th Anniversary.
The unusual invitation to the Jubilee release brings together four women and one man.
The cork stays in the air. It is triggered and no one knows why.
Time passes, the joy comes, even if the birthday candle swings back to blow up ... the teeth are clean.
With: Barbara Obi, Lena Trummer, Linda Rohrer, Sandra Brändli, Stefan Girtanner
See also: www.comart.org
"Compelling scenes clever choreography, einergehend with interesting transitions towards Sprachfragmenten and subsequent completion of actions in" Downbeyleo. (Aargau newspaper)
"... The body writhe, clench together and still be rattled by the friendly smile of champagne glasses.
The celebration will be held in small shifts grotesque absurdity. "
"... The search for ever new reasons to celebrate anniversaries is led ad absurdum. Subtle hints in the dance numbers leave room for own interpretations. "(The Zurich Oberland).
25 years staging drama school drama movement Comart / Tour 2007
Goooal? The crazy story of a Champions League semi-finals
8 football fans meet at a public television broadcast of the semi-finals of a champion league game. They eagerly await the kick-off.
... Just before the game even starts a goal by spectators is overthrown.
Feverishly, but awkwardly, the organizers are trying to repair the gate.
Meanwhile, the hall is designed with the audience before the big screen a new gate, the field turned into a swamp area and the ball actually expended in the birthroom.
With: Thomas Ackermann, Miriam Brand, Reto Bucher, Camilla Gomes dos Santos, Giannina Masüger, Sofia Neukomm-Veloza, Dani Schär and Karin Würth.
Duration: 25 minutes
Theatrical adaptation and staging for the Italian-speaking theater "I Beccafichi" from "The Journey of G. Mastorna" by Federico Fellini.
"Tales of an ordinary accident"
Theatrical adaptation and staging for the theatrical group "I Beccafichi" from "La casa tra due palme" by the novelist Dacia Maraini.
"Downbyleo" is one of three pieces for the tour of the graduating class of Comart Zurich School of Theater, mime and dance for her 20th Anniversary.
The unusual invitation to the Jubilee release brings together four women and one man.
The cork stays in the air. It is triggered and no one knows why.
Time passes, the joy comes, even if the birthday candle swings back to blow up ... the teeth are clean.
With: Barbara Obi, Lena Trummer, Linda Rohrer, Sandra Brändli, Stefan Girtanner
See also: www.comart.org
"Compelling scenes clever choreography, einergehend with interesting transitions towards Sprachfragmenten and subsequent completion of actions in" Downbeyleo. (Aargau newspaper)
"... The body writhe, clench together and still be rattled by the friendly smile of champagne glasses.
The celebration will be held in small shifts grotesque absurdity. "
"... The search for ever new reasons to celebrate anniversaries is led ad absurdum. Subtle hints in the dance numbers leave room for own interpretations. "(The Zurich Oberland).
25 years staging drama school drama movement Comart / Tour 2007
Goooal? The crazy story of a Champions League semi-finals
8 football fans meet at a public television broadcast of the semi-finals of a champion league game. They eagerly await the kick-off.
... Just before the game even starts a goal by spectators is overthrown.
Feverishly, but awkwardly, the organizers are trying to repair the gate.
Meanwhile, the hall is designed with the audience before the big screen a new gate, the field turned into a swamp area and the ball actually expended in the birthroom.
With: Thomas Ackermann, Miriam Brand, Reto Bucher, Camilla Gomes dos Santos, Giannina Masüger, Sofia Neukomm-Veloza, Dani Schär and Karin Würth.
Duration: 25 minutes